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Navigating a Airbnb Smoking Fee

Review the complexities of an Airbnb smoking fee. Learn about Airbnb's no-smoking policy, the power of hosts, and how to deal with guests who break the rules.


By Karolyn Hutson

Published on June 19, 2023

As a host, you want to maintain a clean and comfortable environment for your guests, but what happens when a guest violates your no-smoking policy?

Reviewing the Airbnb Smoking Policy

Airbnb’s No-Smoking Policy

Airbnb’s no-smoking policy is straightforward: hosts have the right to prohibit smoking in their properties, including indoor spaces, common areas, bedrooms, and bathrooms. This policy extends to all forms of smoking, including cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and other smoking devices. It’s a policy designed to protect guests’ health and comfort and maintain the quality of the host’s property.

Power of Hosts

As a host, you have the power to enforce the no-smoking policy. You can set clear expectations for your guests and take action if those expectations are violated. This includes charging a smoking fee if a guest smokes in your property. Remember, your power as a host is backed by Airbnb’s policies and support.

Charging a Smoking Fee

You can charge a smoking fee if a guest violates your no-smoking policy. This fee is designed to cover cleaning and repairing any damage caused by smoking. It’s important to communicate this fee to your guests in your house rules and to provide evidence of the violation to Airbnb.

Setting House Rules and No Smoking Policy

Importance of House Rules

House rules are a crucial part of hosting on Airbnb. They set clear expectations for your guests and help prevent misunderstandings. Including a no-smoking policy in your house rules is a proactive way to discourage guests from smoking in your property.

No-Smoking Policy in House Rules

Your no-smoking policy should be clearly stated in your vacation rental house rules. Be specific about what constitutes smoking and where it is prohibited. Remember, your house rules are a contract between you and your guests, so clarity is key.

Impact of Smoking on Property Value

Smoking can significantly devalue your property. It can cause stains, and odors, and even increase the fire risk. Charging a smoking fee not only discourages guests from smoking but also helps cover the cost of any potential damage.

Communicating the No Smoking Policy

Importance of Communication

Communication is key when it comes to enforcing your no-smoking policy. Make sure your guests are aware of your policy before they arrive. This can be done through your welcome message, house manual, or even a friendly reminder upon their arrival.

Methods of Communication

There are several methods you can use to communicate your no-smoking policy. You can include it in your property’s welcome message, house manual, or even display signs. The goal is to ensure your guests know your policy and the potential smoking fee.

Security Deposits

Security deposits are another tool you can use to enforce your no-smoking policy. By requiring a security deposit, you can cover the cost of any potential damage caused by smoking. This can serve as a deterrent for guests who might be tempted to smoke in your property.

Spotting Guests Who Smoke Inside

Signs of Smoking

As a host, it’s important to know the signs of smoking. These can include the smell of smoke, cigarette butts, ashtrays, discoloration, and burn marks. If you notice any of these signs, you may have grounds to charge a smoking fee.

Addressing the Issue

If you suspect a guest has been smoking in your property, promptly addressing the issue is important. This might involve contacting the guest, documenting evidence of smoking, and potentially charging a cleaning fee. Remember, deep cleaning and washing are often necessary to remove the smell of smoke. If you need to quickly remove the smell you might consider investing in an air purifier or ionizer.

Dealing with Guests Who Break the No Smoking Policy

Immediate Action

If a guest breaks your no-smoking policy, immediate action is necessary. This might involve asking the guest to stop smoking, charging a cleaning fee, or reporting the issue to Airbnb. It’s important to handle the situation professionally and assertively.

Providing Smoking Areas

Providing a designated smoking area outside your Airbnb
Providing a designated smoking area outside your Airbnb

If guests need to smoke, consider providing designated smoking areas outside your property. This can help prevent guests from smoking indoors and violating your no-smoking policy.

Charging the Airbnb Smoking Fee

Right to Charge a Smoking Fee

As a property owner and host, you have the right to charge a smoking fee if a guest violates your no-smoking policy. This fee is designed to cover the cost of cleaning and repairing any damage caused by smoking.

Amount of Smoking Fee

The amount of the smoking fee can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the cost of cleaning. It’s important to be fair and reasonable when determining this fee. Remember, the goal is to cover your costs, not to profit from the violation.

Evidence of Smoking

When charging a smoking fee, providing evidence of smoking is important. This might include photos of cigarette butts, ashtrays, or burn marks. If you have outdoor security cameras, they can also provide evidence of guests smoking outside designated areas.

Professional Cleaning Services for Smoke Damage

Importance of Professional Cleaning

Professional cleaning services are often necessary to remove smoke odors and stains. These services have the tools and expertise to thoroughly clean your property and restore it to its original condition. Remember, a clean and smoke-free environment is more appealing to future guests.

Receipts and Documentation

It’s important to keep receipts and documentation when using a professional cleaning service. This can serve as evidence of the cleaning costs and justify the smoking fee. Plus, it can be helpful for tax purposes.

E-Cigarettes and the Airbnb Smoking Policy

Inclusion of E-Cigarettes in No-Smoking Policy

E-cigarettes and vaping devices are often included in Airbnb’s no-smoking policy. While they may not produce the same odor or health risks as traditional cigarettes, they can still be disruptive to other guests and potentially cause damage.

Extra Fee for Smoking Area

Consider charging an extra fee if you choose to provide a designated smoking area for e-cigarettes or traditional cigarettes. This can help cover the cost of maintaining the smoking area and discourage excessive use.


In conclusion, an Airbnb smoking fee is crucial for hosts to maintain a clean and comfortable environment for their guests. By setting clear expectations, communicating effectively, and taking prompt action when necessary, hosts can effectively manage their properties and provide a positive experience for all guests.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the cleaning fee for smoking in an Airbnb?

The cleaning fee for smoking in an Airbnb can vary depending on the damage’s extent and the cleaning cost. It’s up to the host to determine a fair and reasonable fee.

Are there Airbnbs that allow smoking indoors?

While most Airbnbs have a no-smoking policy, some hosts may allow smoking indoors. It’s important to check the house rules before booking.

Can guests smoke outside the property?

Guests can smoke outside the property if the host provides a designated smoking area. However, smoking outside non-designated areas can still result in a smoking fee.

What is the process for charging a guest a smoking fee?

The process for charging a guest a smoking fee involves documenting evidence of smoking, reporting the issue to Airbnb, and submitting a request for the fee. Airbnb will then review the request and make a decision.

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With over six years of short-term rental hosting experience, Karolyn has helped hundreds of guests have an enjoyable experience. I love writing and am passionate about real estate, hospitality, and photography. Karolyn holds a bachelor's degree in Journalism and enjoys sharing her experiences to help others.