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Length of Stay pricing

A pricing policy that offers guests a lower rate for longer duration stays, for example offering a lower nightly rate for 7 days vs 3 days.

Length of Stay Pricing: What Does It Mean To A Vacation Rental Owner?

When it comes to pricing your rental property, there are always tradeoffs and considerations you need to consider. With that in mind, we’ll discuss the benefits of Length of Stay pricing and why you might want to consider this for your vacation rental business!

Length of Stay Pricing

As a vacation rental owner, you’re always looking for ways to increase your bookings and revenue. One pricing strategy you may have come across is length of stay pricing. Essentially, length of stay pricing is a way to encourage guests to book longer stays at your rental. But what does this mean, and how can it benefit you?

Length of stay pricing means charging a different price depending on how long a guest stays in your rental. For example, you may charge $200 per night for a 3-night stay but $250 per night for a 5-night stay. This can be a great way to encourage guests to book longer stays, which can, in turn, lead to higher revenues.

There are a few things to keep in mind when implementing length of stay pricing. First, make sure your prices are competitive with other similar rentals in your area. You don’t want to price yourself out of the market! Second, consider offering discounts for more extended stays – this can help sweeten the deal for guests and make them more likely to book with you.

If you’re thinking about implementing length-of-stay pricing in your vacation rental business, we encourage you to try it! It could be just the thing you need to boost your bookings and earnings.

When To Use LOS Pricing

As a vacation rental owner, you may be wondering if using length of stay (LOS) pricing is suitable for your property. Here are some things to consider that may help you decide:

  1. What is your overall pricing strategy?

    LOS pricing can be a good option if you want to maximize your revenue. It allows you to encourage longer stays, which can add up to a significant amount of money.

  2. What is the average length of stay for your guests?

    This is an essential factor to consider when deciding whether or not to use LOS pricing. If your property caters to guests that typically stay for shorter periods, LOS pricing may not be as effective. On the other hand, LOS pricing may not be required if your guests often stay for extended periods.

  3. What type of property do you have?

    Some types of properties are better suited for LOS pricing than others. For example, properties located in popular tourist destinations or that offer unique amenities are often able to command higher prices. On the other hand, properties that are less desirable or that have fewer amenities may not be able to generate as much revenue, so offering discounts for extended visits might encourage more renters.

How To Calculate your Pricing

As a vacation rental owner, you may be wondering how to calculate length of stay prices. There are a few things to consider when pricing your rentals, such as the season, the number of guests, and the length of stay.

  • Seasonality: Seasonal rates will vary depending on the time of year. For example, prices will be higher during the summer months or holiday periods.
  • Number of Guests: The number of guests staying in your rental will also affect the price. More guests mean more wear and tear on the property and higher utility bills. You’ll need to factor this into your pricing.
  • Length of Stay: Finally, the length of stay is also a factor in pricing. Longer stays will usually get a discount since there’s less work involved in a turnover. For example, a weekly rental may be priced lower than five individual nights.

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you can come up with a fair and reasonable price for your vacation rental property.

Pros and Cons of Length of Stay Pricing

As a vacation rental owner, you may be considering implementing a length of stay pricing strategy. This type of pricing can be beneficial in some ways, but there are also some potential drawbacks to consider.


  1. Increased Revenue Potential: By charging a higher rate for longer stays, you can potentially increase your overall revenue. This is especially beneficial during slower periods when you may otherwise have vacant units.
  2. Discounts for Long-Term Guests: Offering discounts to guests who stay for an extended period of time can help to encourage bookings. This can be a good way to fill up your calendar during slower times of the year.
  3. Simplified Pricing Structure: A length-of-stay pricing strategy can simplify your overall pricing structure. This can make it easier for potential guests to understand your rates and make booking decisions.


  1. Fewer potential guests: Once you implement a length of stay pricing strategy, you may have reduce the number of guests that your property is a match for. A renter looking for a weekend vacation will not see your listing as it is only available for longer rental periods.
  2. Complicated Discounts: Offering discounts for longer stays can complicate your pricing structure and make it difficult for guests to understand what they should pay for accommodations.
  3. Increased Complexity: A length-of-stay pricing strategy can increase the complexity of collecting revenue for your vacation rental business. This issue can be especially problematic if you use a third-party property management system to manage your reservations and guest payments.
  4. Difficult to Price: A length of stay pricing strategy can make pricing your rentals very complex. For example, you would have to set prices per night for each range of nights rented out, including three nights, four nights, five nights, and six nights. While this may seem easy enough, these ranges will vary depending on the season and specific property.

Other Types Of Pricing Strategies

There are a few other pricing strategies that vacation rental owners can use to maximize their profits. You can also price your rental based on the season or by the week. If you have a popular destination, you may want to consider charging a premium for peak times. You can also offer discounts for more extended stays or booking early.

Another pricing strategy is called “dynamic pricing.” This is where you change your prices based on demand. For example, if you know that many people are searching for vacation rentals in your area during the summer, you might price your rental higher than usual. But if there’s less demand during the winter, you could lower your prices to attract more guests.

Finally, some vacation rental owners also offer discounts and promotions to their guests. This could be anything from a percentage off the nightly rate to a free night’s stay after a certain number of nights booked. You can attract more guests and fill up your rental calendar even during slow periods by offering discounts. by offering discounts.

Whatever pricing strategy you choose, make sure you are clear about your policies and rates before guests book. This will help avoid any misunderstandings or disappointment later on.


There are a lot of factors to consider when pricing your vacation rental, and length of stay is one of the most important. By understanding what length of stay pricing means and how it works, you can make sure you’re getting the most out of your rental property.